Beyond Conflict Free Guarantee

Conflict Free Rough Diamond Certification Guarantee

Our policy ensures that your diamonds are always conflict free

As jewelers, we have a responsibility to make sure our purchases are ethical and that our diamonds are obtained from places with humanitarian working standards. Because of this, we only provide conflict free diamonds with documentation from the highest caliber institutions. The Kimberley Process Certification sets requirements for controlling diamond trade, and through this process we can guarantee that all our diamonds are obtained legally. Read on to learn more about the Kimberley Process.

Beyond Conflict Free Guarantee

In today’s world with all of the information available to us we have a responsibility to make sure our purchases are ethical and that humanitarian standards are in place to protect workers world-wide. At Inter-Continental Jewelers we only provide Conflict Free diamonds with documentation from the highest caliber institutions.

The Kimberley Process Certification

The Kimberley Process is an international certification for rough diamonds. It sets requirements for controlling rough diamond production and trade. Member countries abide by its extensive requirements of certifying rough diamond shipments as conflict free, and prevent conflict diamonds from entering legitimate trade. The United States, (along with 53 other members) are members participating in the Kimberley Process.

The World Diamond Council also participates as a member, as well as the European Union and its Member States participating as a single member. Member participants can only legally trade with other member participants, and all rough diamond shipments must be accompanied by a KP certificate guaranteeing that they are conflict free.

All rough diamonds that enter the United States legally are conflict free diamonds, passing U.S. customs with Systems of Warranties. Inter-Continental Jewelers follow the KP certification process to guarantee that all diamonds obtained are from legal source.

We look forward to finding you a diamond with ethical standards you can trust and admire for years to come.