Radiant Shape Diamond

Radiant Shape Diamond

Categories: Others

Renowned for its steep cuts, square faces and brilliance, the radiant shape diamond reflects light from multiple angles, exemplifying its pristine beauty and excellence. Providing an incomparable glitter and clarity, the radiant shape diamond has astounded both collectors and consumers alike.

Radiant Shape

Radiant Shape Diamond History

The radiant shape diamond, first presented by Henry Grossbard via his 1980's diamond studies, has become an iconic figure for beauty and wealth. His mathematical calculations posed innovative solutions for perfectly geometric gems, thus resulting in the radiant diamond’s conception and continued popularity for over 30 years.

Radiant Shape Diamond Cut and Shape

The radiant shape diamond’s intensive cuts provide a brilliant-cut top face pattern, and the shape is highly regarded for its pavilion and crown vibrant quality.

A fantastic go-between for princess and cushion cuts, the radiant shape diamond is commonly paired with other square or rounded-corner diamonds.

Radiant Shape Diamond Popularity and Common Appearances

Additionally, the radiant shape diamond has been a top selection for shoppers seeking bright, square gems. Often, the radiant shape diamond is selected for its affinity to eloquence.

A common center-stone for three-stone rings, the radiant shape diamond is a common selection for ring seekers and stone collectors. It is commonly surrounded by trapezoidal, trillion, half-moon and other radiant cuts.

Radiant Shape Diamond Technical Evaluation

The radiant shape diamond’s color evaluation is subjective to the buyer. While many diamond connoisseurs opt for lighter, warmer colors, many have found the cut’s overall color quality directly correlated to perceived quality.

In short, many radiant shape diamond purchasers select their options based upon color preference. G-H diamonds are popular, though colorless. D-F diamonds are commonly selected for wedding rings and other jewelry.

Similarly, a radiant shape diamond’s clarity is subjective. Often, diamond providers reflect the customer’s choice with provided options. The radiant shape diamond’s quality isn't contingent upon its cut, though “flawless” qualities maintain incredibly sharp cuts.

Due to the radiant shape diamond’s supreme brilliance, its overall quality is often quantified by its perceived luxury value. Its square cuts are quite forgiving to cut inclusions—unlike many other shapes.

However, radiant shape diamonds may be modified. Ideal depth is depicted at approximately 70 percent to 80 percent. Additionally, a radiant shape diamond’s price is often increased by its color refraction, glare and base color.

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